HIV Health Services Planning Council
Needs Assessment Working Group Draft MINUTES
Friday, June 10, 2005
1550 Bryant Street Suite 1000
(Between 15th and 16th Streets, south of Division)
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Committee Members Present: Catherine Geanuracos (co-chair) Billie-Jean Kanios (co-chair);
Committee Members Absent: Randy Allgaier, Dorothy Kleffner, Ken Pearce
Other Council Members Present: Raymond Banks, Bill Blum, David Macias, Laura Thomas
Council Support Present: Hyla Breidenbaugh
Others Present: Allison Weston (H&C), Erika Takada (H&C)

1. Introductions
CM Geanuracos called the meeting to order and those present introduced themselves.

2. Review/Approve Agenda
The group reviewed the agenda. Without objection, the agenda was approved by consensus.

3. Review and Approval of Minutes
The group reviewed the minutes from May 25, 2005. It was decided that the minutes should be less detailed. Minor changes were made but the minutes from May 25, 2005 were approved by consensus.

4. Announcements
CM Banks feels that the information from the needs assessment should be public and is being kept too private, and withholding this information goes against the Sunshine Ordinance.
CM Macias let the members know about an upcoming Mental Health Prop 63 task force public forum.

5. Public Comment

6. Brief Progress Report
Harder & Company Consultants provided a brief progress report regarding data collection.
Allison Weston provided a project update. She indicated that they are on target. They are working closely with providers. Erika Takada provided a more detailed project update. They are moving toward targeted outreach. There seemed to be a problem with the younger population because of their attention span. A large number of surveys were not usable. Other suggestions were made to survey the younger population. No date will be attached to the flyers so that they won’t be out of date. They will be going forward with the focus groups.

7. Review of Draft Provider Survey (Continued)
The group reviewed the draft Provider Survey and discussed modifications.
Reminder that the survey will be online and will not look like it does on paper. CM Macias was concerned that there is room on the survey for more than one contact per agency. It was pointed out that the survey does ask for two contacts and that there is room on the online version to add another name. CM Thomas suggested that program service budgeting questions be asked about the past, not the future. Integration of infectious disease prevention and care was discussed. Minor edits were made the funding questions to allow more detailed sources. The Service Information questions were discussed. Substance use question was discussed and it was decided to take it out. The No Show rate was discussed because of the way of reporting capacity and over capacity by agencies. It was decided to possibly eliminate the no show question. Health insurance was changed to health coverage. The demographics of Gender and Sexual ID classifications were discussed. It was decided to use the Reggie categories. A primary services box will be added before the sub-services box in the Service Information category. The wording of the funding questions regarding units was discussed. The group hammered out the meaning and wording of what the questions were actually asking versus what information is really wanted. CM Macias brought up the idea of collecting data on the agencies for the future. The group discussed if there were anymore questions to add to the survey. A question about Prevention was decided to be added. The last question about people not receiving services was left open ended. The final version is planned to be finished soon. An update by Harder & Co. will be given at the next meeting.

8. Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items
Next meeting date scheduled for June 22, 2005 4:30-6:30pm at 25 Van Ness Room 330B.
Meeting adjourned 3:36



Meeting minutes are considered to be in DRAFT form until reviewed and approved by Council attendees.

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