HIV Health Services Planning Council
Needs Assessment Working Group Draft MINUTES
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
25 Van Ness, Room 330B
4:30-6:30 p.m.

Committee Members Present: Catherine Geanuracos (co-chair), Billie-Jean Kanios (co-chair);
Bill Blum, Dorothy Kleffner, Ken Pearce
Committee Members Absent: Laura Thomas, Anita Booker, Randy Allgaier,
Other Council Members Present:
Council Support Present: Jack Newby, Hyla Breidenbaugh
Others Present: Allison Weston (H&C), Erika Takada (H&C), Thomas Pyun Delores Street Community Services.

1. Introductions
Catherine Geanuracos (co-chair) opened the meeting and everyone introduced themselves.

2. Review/Approve Agenda
The group reviewed the agenda and no changes were made.

3. Review and Approval of Minutes
The group reviewed the minutes from June 10, 2005. They were approved with the following changes: Adding Ken and Dorothy to the absent section.

4. Announcements
Billie-Jean Kanios reminded everyone about Pride Weekend.
Ken Pearce mentioned that there is a Client Services Coordinator position that is now open in San Mateo County.

5. Public Comment
6. Progress Report
Harder & Co. provided a progress report regarding data collection, including the Spanish-language survey and sessions.
• Target groups and Recruitment. What target groups are not in San Francisco was asked. Recruitment was discussed.
ACTION: Allison to get a report to the co-chairs on the different populations that need to be focused on, for the All Council meeting.
• Demographics. The Transgender demographic is on target so far, H&C are trying to survey 60. The facilitators are doing a great job keeping the data from being duplicated. For example, people trying to claim that they have not taken the survey before by saying that they are someone else. Other incentives for taking the survey were discussed.

7. Focus Group Categories and Recruitment Update
Harder & Co. provided an update on recruitment efforts for the various focus group categories. Allison passed out a report regarding the Focus Groups. She then presented the report about the 15 groups. The group discussed the differences between the surveyed people versus the focus group people. There was concern that there weren’t enough different categories of people. Breaking down the African American (male) category into heterosexual and homosexual subcategories was discussed. H&C are over the quota for African American (Males) so they should probably have enough sampling to break down the category. The populations were reviewed and discussed to see if they duplicate each other. A broader cross section was discussed. The API population and the issue of language were discussed. Focus groups in Marin were discussed. Services in Marin came up as being very important to Marin. It was decided to try for a focus group in Marin. Targeting people not in treatment/care was discussed and how to find that population to get into the focus groups. Targeting the population of recently released from Jail, by individual phone calls instead of a group was discussed. Harder & Co were given the go ahead on using the one on one approach for the hard to get populations, such as recently released from Jail.
• Sample questions. Allison asked for feedback on the sample questions. How the facilitators will approach the subject was discussed. Transportation was mentioned to be a key question. CS Newby asked the committee about their thoughts on COEs (Centers of Excellence). Focusing on the Special Needs Population and looking at the serious needs is the main focus for the needs assessment. The community forum was suggested as a good way to figure out which services are needed. Comparability between the different groups was discussed. The order of questions was discussed. Allison let the group know that the focus group questions will be aimed toward a specific area if it applies such as Marin may have different issues than San Mateo. Members discussed what questions they would like to see get answered. People in recovery and keeping them as a group was brought up, but it had already been decided at a previous meeting to not keep them as a group.
Allison let the group know that they have been able to collect demographic data when giving them the voucher.

8. Sampling Frame Summary
Erika Takada (H&C) passed out a report that summarized the Needs Assessment sampling frame. She explained about the method of sampling and the population that is being used. Stratification is the method that will be used for the needs assessment survey. See Sampling 101: For SF EMA Comprehensive Needs Assessment report. Validity of data was discussed. Allison explained that even though the table may say 42 people from Marin, they are not going to just check the box and move on once they reach the quota. The chart on the report just doesn’t show the stratifications for the different counties. Solid design is what Dorothy wants, she would like to see a stratification of Marin in the next report. Allison explained that she wants to have enough people to be able to collect the data. A limitation of data sampling was discussed. The epidemiology from Marin doesn’t seem to be valid and that skews the data anyway.

9. Update on Provider Survey
Harder & Co. provided an update on the status of the Provider Survey. July 5th is when the survey will go out. The quotas are still the same. The Spanish survey is finalized after being reviewed three times. The deadline for the survey to be returned was discussed. It starts with a week turn around time. Allison Weston reassured the group that Harder & Co. understands what it takes to get the surveys returned. A reminder about the survey will be sent with a timeline stating it needs to be returned in 3 days. If the survey still hasn’t been received, then another will be mailed out to them again.

10. Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items
The Next meeting date scheduled for July 27, 2005 4:00-6:00 at 25 Van Ness Room 330B. Another meeting was scheduled for August 16th 4:00-6:00. Please note the time change.

Catherine Geanuracos adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.



Meeting minutes are considered to be in DRAFT form until reviewed and approved by Council attendees.

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