HIV Health Services Planning Council
Needs Assessment Working Group Draft MINUTES
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
25 Van Ness, Room 330B
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Committee Members Present:
Billie-Jean Kanios (co-chair), Ken Pearce, Bill Blum
Committee Members Absent: Catherine Geanuracos (co-chair), Laura Thomas, Randy Allgaier, Dorothy Kleffner,
Other Council Members Present:
Council Support Present: Jack Newby, Hyla Breidenbaugh
Others Present: Allison Weston (H&C),

1. Introductions
CM Kanios opened the meeting at 4:38 PM.

2. Review/Approve Agenda
The group reviewed the agenda, but they were unable to approve it because there was no quorum.

3. Review and Approval of Minutes
The group reviewed the June 22, 2005 minutes. There was no quorum, so CM Pearce recommended and CM Blum seconded that the minutes be approved at the next meeting.

4. Announcements
CM Blum mentioned that San Mateo County AIDS Program is hiring.

5. Public Comment

6. Progress Report
Harder & Co. provided a progress report regarding data collection, including the Spanish-language survey and sessions. Additional progress reports were provided on the following:
• Update on focus groups
The African, American Female focus group will have to be tried again because only 3 people showed up.
The Bayview and the South-East Corridor and which area is actually being talked about were discussed. CS Newby said he would need to look back at the minutes. It is not clear if Visitation Valley is included. For the purpose of the focus groups, H&C is looking at the South-East Corridor.
Most of the focus groups will be in the next 10 days. CS Newby is very pleased with how the focus groups are going this year compared to last year when there were only two.
• Discussion of Gaps or Additional Information Required
San Mateo and Marin County strata were not met yet, so Harder + Co. has conducted some of the surveys over the phone. If the survey is stopped right now, the quotas for San Mateo and Marin County will have not been met. There are still roughly 66 surveys that have not been counted on the report, “2005 SFEMA Comprehensive Needs Assessment Project Update, 7/25/05”. The group discussed how much longer they should continue to conduct the survey and ways to get people from the quotas that are not met. The group talked about how low the women’s count is and what they could do about it.
CM Blum will call Latinos and Latinas in San Mateo County.
Allison Weston will continue as well to get a few more clients to participate.
August 5th is the last day for the surveys to be turned in.

The group discussed the Transgender population. CM Blum mentioned how Transgender is a politically charged name. The group discussed how transgender people who were born a man sometimes consider themselves women.
• Update on Provider Survey
The Provider Survey is more an inventory of services.

7. Review and Discussion of plans for Final Report & Data Analysis
H&C Weston passed out a document “2005 Needs Assessment: Plans for Presentation of Finding and Final Report.” The draft report will be sent out on August 19th by email to the whole council. There will be hard copies available at Council Support.
The group talked about how and when to send the draft report out. It was suggested to send the draft report out to all Council members. It was decided that H&C Weston will send the report out by email to the Planning and Steering Committees on August 15th. Then on the 25th H&C will have as much information for the Summit.
ACTION: CS Jonz will print and make hard copies available of the draft report sent by Allison Weston.
The group discussed needing more time for the Needs Assessment Presentation at the Summit. It was suggested to change the Counties WG presentation to after the Needs Assessment Presentation.
ACTION: CS Newby will bring the suggested change on the Agenda for the Summit to the next Planning Committee meeting.
The group discussed what the format of the report should be. A table format was suggested to be able to compare data. It will be in a clean table format and bullet points. The format of the report will be the same, but the data may change before the reports are put in the Binder.
The group reviewed the “Report Outline” and made suggestions to the following:
• #4 Co-factors- The group discussed co-factors. Generally co factors are things that affect the disease.
• #8 Outcome-Using quality of life instead of outcome was suggested. Is quality of life linked to the services they are getting was a question that was raised.
• #10 Prevention with positives.
• #11 Special Populations- add severe needs
• #14 Service Summary Sheets-The group talked about digging deeper for the information that is not obvious.
The group talked more about what time the Needs Assessment Presentation should be so that the members will have a clear understanding of the data for Prioritization.

8. Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items
Next meeting date scheduled for August 16, 2005 4:00PM at 25 Van Ness Room 330A.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 PM

Meeting minutes are considered to be in DRAFT form until reviewed and approved by Council attendees.

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