HIV Health Services Planning Council
Needs Assessment Working Group DRAFT MINUTES
Thursday, August 25, 2005
1550 Bryant St., Suite 1000
Conference Room
(between 15th and 16th, south of Division)
3:00-5:00 p.m.

Committee Members Present: Billie-Jean Kanios (co-chair); Randy Allgaier; Ken Pearce; Catherine Geanuracos
Council Members Absent: Bill Blum; Dorothy Kleffner; Laura Thomas
Other Council Members Present: None
Others Present: David Macias (HIV Health Services); Allison Weston (H+Co.); Erika Takada (H+Co.)
Council Support Present: Jack Newby; Skot Jonz

1. Introductions
Co-Chair Kanios called the meeting to order and those present introduced themselves.

2. Review/Approve Agenda
Committee reviewed the agenda.
CM Pearce moved to approve the agenda.
CM Allgaier seconded.
The agenda was approved by consensus.

3. Review and Approval of Minutes
August 16, 2005
Without quorum, approval of the minutes was postponed until the next meeting.

4. Announcements
No announcements.

5. Public Comment
No public comment.

6. Progress Report
Allison and Erika from Harder & Co. provided a progress report on the data collection and focus groups. They indicated that they are finished with analyzing the data. Erika reported on how best to use the data at the upcoming Prioritization Meeting. Committee discussed other data that will be used in addition to the Needs Assessment data.

7. Review Council Presentation
The group will review the presentation of the Needs Assessment from Harder & Co and make changes. The presentation will be given at the Prioritization and Allocation meeting
Allison and Erika prefaced their presentation to the committee by indicating that it is still a work in progress. They asked for committee input. Erika went through the PowerPoint presentation. Committee offered feedback and suggested, and asked questions. Erika and Allison clarified, answered, and elaborated as needed, making notes or adjustments to the presentation. They anticipated making changes to the presentation late into the night and would supply an electronic copy to Council Support for use at tomorrow’s prioritization meeting. Erika and Allison distributed a draft copy of the data results and indicated that a more in-depth report would be provided to all Council Members.
Committee discussed the results of the provider survey. Allison indicated that the full data would be provided later.

She added that the information regarding funding streams collected from providers is unreliable. Committee discussed the possibility of a more detailed survey in the future to elicit better information from providers.

CM Pearce expressed appreciation to Allison and Erika and Harder + Co. staff for all their hard work.
CM Geanuracos echoed her appreciation for the data collected on demographics.
Jack Newby agreed that data on severe need is very helpful.

Committee discussed how this needs assessment data will be a good reference tool for the next several years.

CM Allgaier agreed it will help identify those out-of-care and to get funding to get them in care and hopefully keep them in care.

8. Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items

Co-chair Kanios adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

Meeting minutes are considered to be in DRAFT form until reviewed and approved by Council attendees.

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