Supporting Documents

Please see below for links to our supporting documents, including meeting materials, informational updates, Council policies and procedures, and needs assessments. If you are looking for information and can’t find it on our website, please feel free to contact Council staff at (415) 792-3661 or

For materials before 2017, please contact Council Staff

For 2023-24 materials, click here.

ETE San Francisco & State Integrated Plan

Grantee Assessment – 2024

Policy & Procedures Manual

Ryan White Funding Allocation

  1. 2024 Annual Summit Materials
  2. 2023 Annual Summit Materials
  3. 2022 Annual Summit Materials
  4. 2021 Annual Summit Materials
  5. 2020 Annual Summit Materials
  6. 2019 Annual Summit Materials
  7. 2018 Annual Summit Materials

Status of the Epidemic

  1. 2023-2024
    1. HHS CQI
    2. ARIES EMA
    3. Epi Update
  2. 2022-2023
    1. ARIES EMA
    2. HHS CQI

San Francisco System of Care

  1. 2024 San Francisco EMA Ryan White HIV Standards of Care
  2. 2023-2024 Ryan White Service Summary Presentation
  3. San Francisco Essential Health Benefits Package – developed by the San Francisco HIV Healthcare Reform Task Force and endorsed by the HHSPC
  4. The San Francisco HIV System of Care

Needs Assessments

  1. Black/African American (2024)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  2. Latino/a/x (2023)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  3. Transgender (2022)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  4. Telehealth (2021)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  5. Transitional Aged Youth (2020)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  6. 50+ and Long-Term Survivors (2019)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  7. HIV+ Substance Users (2018)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  8. HIV+ Homeless/Unstably Housed (2017)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
    2. Provider Follow-Up
  9. Mental Health Challenges (2016)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
  10. African Americans (2015)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
    2. Summary Report
    3. Interview Notes
  11. Asian & Pacific Islanders (2015)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
    2. Summary Report
  12. MSM Users of Crystal Methamphetamine (2014)
    1. Needs Assessment Presentation
    2. Summary Report
  13. HIV & Aging (2013)
    1. Presentation
    2. Research Paper
  14. Latino MSM (2013)
    1. Presentation
    2. Summary Report
  15. San Francisco EMA HIV/AIDS Health Services Needs Assessment Final Report (2008)

Community Outreach & Listening Activities (COLA)

  1. 2023 COLA Session Report: People Affected by Eviction
  2. 2022 COLA Session Report: Long-Term Survivors
  3. 2020 COLA Session Report: People who Speak Portuguese
  4. 2019 COLA Session Report: Women who use Substances, Trans Women of Color, Cisgender African American Women
  5. 2017 COLA Session Report: People co-infected with HIV and Hepatitis C
  6. 2016 COLA Sessions Report: PLWH in San Mateo & Marin Counties
  7. 2016-2017 COLA Sessions Report: HIV+ Undocumented Individuals, Latina Long-term Survivors/Seniors
  8. 2014-2015 COLA Sessions Report: HIV+ Formerly Incarcerated, Women & Families
  9. 2013-2014 COLA Sessions Report: HIV+ Asian & Pacific Islander MSM, African American MSM, Living in SRO’s

Health Care Reform

  1. Health Care Reform Task Force- Update (January 2014)
  2. Healthcare Reform Task Force Recommendations
  3. Affordable Care Act (ACA) Implementation & Ryan White Funding